Free Courses to help you solve the riddle of 168? There are only 168 hours in a week. Most of us are told to go to school, study hard so you can get a good JOB!
However, to make more money, we must work more hours often at a job we don't want to do.
The harder we work, the less free time we have to do the things we really like to do, like being at the beach, fishing, vacationing, etc..
If we want more time and work much less, then we have very little money to spend on those things we like to do - most of these cost money, right!!!
The free courses on this page are designed to help you win your well deserved free-time back, while having lots of $$$!
First, we will cover 5 basic business models that are used by successful internet marketers, and provide examples. After that, there are nearly 50 free courses below. Enjoy!
Good Luck!
There are a variety of successful business models that have been employed by successful internet entrepreneurs.
Business Model 1) Offer a free product or service that will benefit the prospect and prove to them that if the referring webmaster can give such good information free, then the paid version will be worth the price paid. This is particularly effective if the product or service carries a 100% money back guarantee. However, the most effective is you have enough faith in your product or service, that it will so change the life of the prospect forever, that you send it to them with no payment up front, then bill them in 30 days! The risk of loss is lowest on info products like PDF file - e-books, etc. But several manufactures are providing excellent products and services this way. They have been doing it for years, so they must be making $$$. The key to this is to keep a ton of back-end products that are progressively more expensive and profitable to sell to your clients, who will hopefully buy, as you earn their confidence and trust.
The first three products offered below - Perfect Price, Free Courses, Free Download are based on business model 1 above.
Certain webmasters offer services, like Yahoo(SM) - a directory , or Alta Vista(SM) - a search engine, who allow you to input key words and obtain the URL's with links to relevant websites. Now these sites have pairs of eyeballs whom they can serve advertising up to and charge advertisers for the privilege of having these targeted relevant eyeballs see their website URL with an appropriate hyperlink to their desired entry page! .
Business Model 2) Joint Venture - Work a deal with another business where the each of you carry a part of the process of creating and marketing products to customers, in exchange for a split of the profits that you mutually determine. A good example of business model 2 are affiliate programs - the fourth product offered below. and the following link:
Please visit our investment and trading bookstore.
Also, check out the following
Learn Spanish and other languages!
Business Model 3) Free E-zine. An E-zine is an electronic newsletter that is delivered by e-mail that is free. They exist on a variety of topics. The reason the editor creates them is he or she wished to demonstrate to you his expertise on the subject before you are asked to part with your hard earned cash for his premium products. It has been demonstrated it can take 5 - 12 exchanges between people before enough trust is generated so that a sale will result. Having a weekly e-zine will enable you to generate this trust. What happens next is that the e-zine editor will recommend a particularly good product, which is his or her own, or that he or she has joint ventured with the owner, like as in affiliate program above. Advertising can also be sold in the list. Good examples of business model 4 is . Finest trio of electronic mailed newsletters - the fifth product offered below. Dr. Ebiz, one of the free courses below, is a joint venture where Ralph Wilson, an internet marketing guru, has given webmasters, such as myself, free content, by allowing them to syndicate his newsletter.
Business Model 4) Direct Sales Site. This model is based on creating a product with incredible benefits, then soft selling the prospect with pages and pages of convincing sales copy that stress the incredible benefits of owning that product, that he or she would be a total idiot to not have that product. The best results are obtained by those webmasters who offer 100% money back guarantee and a bonus you can keep, even if you refund the main product.
The link to Do you like this site? Learn How to get yours without knowing HTML is an example. They have a 100% guarantee and they let you keep your domain name for free just for trying them out. It is located just above NOW ENJOY YOUR FREE COURSES BELOW, but I have reproduced it for your reference.
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Another example of this same business model is. This is for a auto responder. They offer a free one and a paid version. Their sales site is over 20 printed pages but is a true example of how long sales copy can sell. Sales copy that sells includes words like "Skyrocket and explode Profits and Sales" They offer a convenient way of follow-up with a prospect automatically after the initial contact, 24/7. It often takes 5 to 12 "exchanges between you and your hot prospect to effect a sale. The autoresponder does it automatically, even while you sleep - really neat!
Business Model 5) Themed based content site. This is where you create a content based site, providing a great deal of content about a particular subject, such as juggling, soccer, anguilla beaches. and attempt to monetize the traffic sgtream by offering related products via various affilate programs, etc.
Examples of business model 5 - This site.
Business Model 6) Discussion forum. Here, you create a website which kind of becomes a sort of "meeting place," for people interested in a particular topic. A good example is Rob Frankel's free clinic which he hosts on Mondays. As the moderator, Rob is able to demonstrate his expertise -Branding -, as he responds to the various participants questions. He also has access to another form of discussion list called an e-mail discussion group. In this model, you send messages and they get sent out to every one in the group., taken over by, is an example of one, that can be moderated or unmoderated. In Rob Frankel's discussion list -the FrankelBee list, This is tightly moderated by Rob to allow the group to accomplish its purpose - allowing the participants to do business with each other. Please visit
and check out Rob's free clinic and FrankelBee discussion lists, highly recommended!
1. Free course on optimizing profits by finding the "Perfect Price" for your product. It is a high content filled five part course that arrives by E-mail and can even be downloaded to a floppy and taken to another computer to be read while doing something else!
( you can also do this with the free E-zine described below too!) One of the nice things about the popular computer operating systems is that, in general, you can run more than one program at once, so if you are typing a letter, you can switch back and forth to your free course!
By finding the PERFECT PRICE, you will maximize your profits! This will enable to spend less time attempting to make those profits, and more time doing the things you WANT to do, not things you HAVE to do - make a living!
This would appear to be a very productive use of your time!.
After doing this, try my pricing survey and learn how to get a free gift! Please Click here!
2. Free Courses that arrive by E-mail - please go to the page Free Courses on The Internet, where you can sign up for free courses on how to become a high paid affiliate champion, how to price your product , service to maximize your profits or do feasibility study to prevent you from "blowing it all by correctly assessing whether you will earn high profits from your proposed business", e-zine course,......
and how to convert your knowledge into a highly profitable E-Book!
3. Free Download: Ken Evoy, An Emergency room physician (MD), and inventor, has written many info products. His loss leader, Make Your Site Sell, sells for nearly $17. US.
Ken teaches you how to create a traffic drawing website, and how to sell them once you have drawn your visitors there! It contains nearly 800 pages! You can download nearly a quarter of them for free. Please visit, Free Trial Download, now!
4. The IDEAL Affiliate Program (IDEAL does not exist)- should be a great program. It costs nothing for joining. You get paid for results, - a percentage of the gross sale, only when a sale is made. However, the affiliate need not have any inventory!
Some programs will pay you once, when the sale is made, but the original company keeps all of the back end sales that result when that purchaser buys again.
A far better program would be one that pays you on every subsequent sale for life, and let you develop a team of affiliates where you earn a percentage of everything that they sell for life. Ideally, the structure should approach that of a true multilevel deal where you make $$$ from every level down in the pyramid!
IDEAL affiliate program should provide:
A The IDEAL affiliate Manual - unlike many affiliate programs out there, the owner should provide a comprehensive free guide -a great manual to teach you how to make the most of the program. B BONUS SOFTWARE - The master company of the IDEAL affiliate program should purchase reproduction rights of various software and provide it for free to their affiliates. C Weekly newsletter D Quick summary of 8 quick techniques a new affiliate can do to get started, now!
For more information about affiliate programs, go to this course first Affiliate Programs!
5. Finest trio of electronic mailed newsletters - E-zines or electronic newsletter. If you are not familiar with electronic newsletters, or E-zines, they come to you automatically by E-mail, so you do not have to waste time to go to the worldwide web to get it.
In general, you can unsubscribe at anytime. You can Download to a floppy and even read the E-zine anywhere you have a computer that runs windows.
You can be reading it while running some other computer program - like in word processor while writing a letter! - a very efficient use of your time!
Click here for the finest trio of E-Commerce E-zines
6. We also have some advanced versions and products which do
cost some money. However, if you spend at least $50.00 or more, and you e-mail me that you have at, I will send you
Success: A Spiritual Matter, a 225 page E-book, absolutely free! his normally retails for $49.97, but it comes with several bonuses, which, in my opinion, are worth several hundred dollars. Please visit Free Bonus - for more information!
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